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Blue Cosby Gourami


Scintific Name: Trichogaster Trichopterus
Common Name: Blue, Cosby, Opaline, Giant Gourami
Selling Size: 4-6Cm
Tank Size: 100L+
Temperament: Paceful, However When Grown Could Eat Small Fish
Diet: Omnivores
Temperature Range: 23-28?C
Ph: 6.0 – 8.0
Adult Length: 10-12Cm
Avarage Life Span: 4-5 Years

Shoaling Fish Min Group 6

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Like Most Gourami This Like A Planted Tank With Slow Moving Water.
These Are A Variation Of The 3 Spot Gourami.

ID 197571846 ? Slowmotiongli | Dreamstime.Com

6 in stock


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